Technological University Meiktila on Coursera

Coursera for Campus” “Technological University Meiktila on Coursera” TU (Meiktila) has joined the #Coursera for Campus program … This is a program that offers over 3,800 free courses online for universities and schools suspended due to Covid-19. Anyone who has an email account with **** will have access to these online courses … How long will these courses be available? You can enroll until # September 30, 2020 …You will have #free access for at least 2 months from the date of enrollment …Anyone who has a email address can join the following link to get free courses in this program.Click #join for free via the link and those who already have a coursera account via edu mail can log in to #log in and choose the course of their choice. Those who do not have a coursera account can open an account via edu mail via sing up and choose the course of their choice. If you have trouble joining the program yourself … or name, roll no., phone no. You can apply by sending email address and ….During Pandemic, students from TU (Meiktila), like many others, try to enjoy #free online courses …We hope that students will have the opportunity to learn and seize the opportunity to make progress. # 4 August 2020

Water Festival

Feb 28

Thingyan, which means “transit”, is the Myanmar New Year Festival and is held in the month of Tagu, the first month of the Myanmar Calendar, which usually falls on 13th April and lasts for three…

Fresher Welcome

Jan 12

A fresher welcome ceremony was held at the meeting Hall of Technological University (Meiktila) in Meiktila, Mandalay Division on 12nd January 2023.

Sport Competition

Jul 10

Rector Cup Sport Competition was held at the football ground of Technological University (Meiktila) in Meiktila, Mandalay Division on 10th July to 26th July, 2023.…